Agrimix Philosophy


Other Pasture



Agrimix Pasture

Agrimix is an independent, Australian-owned and family run agricultural technology company. We treat our customers like family, your paddock is our office. Since 2008 we have been working with producers to find solutions to pasture productivity that are evidence based, practical and scalable.
This on the ground knowledge, combined with world-leading science and research partnerships, means we are able to deliver innovative pasture management systems and products to maximise grazing productivity and profitability. Our aim is to contribute to growing prosperous and sustainable communities in the Northern half of Australia.

Most of our team were raised on farms and in farming communities. We treat our customers like family, your paddock is our office
Digging deeper
Following years of research through the support of Chris Gardiner and James Cook University, we are able to provide the very best legumes, technical support and advice for your pasture.
We take our customers on a journey from science through to performance. Providing on-farm demonstrations and digging deeper into benefits that will not only improve your pasture but also your soil, producing gains for both your paddock and the environment.
Our commitment



Chris Gardiner
In the 1990s, Chris Gardiner from James Cook University started surveying old, abandoned legume trial sites in Queensland’s semi-arid clay soil regions. Chris found that the only surviving legumes of all the species planted were of the Desmanthus genus. The Desmanthus species he found on these sites had survived two decades of extreme stresses, including heavy grazing, drought, flood, fire and frosts.
From those sites, Chris chose the most robust plants and began selective breeding for desirable traits.
Since then, Chris has spent more than 20 years researching and developing Progardes® Desmanthus. His efforts have been rewarded with paddock-proven results in various trials around central and northwestern Queensland. Those trials have shown Progardes® Desmanthus delivers increased liveweight gain, increased pasture productivity and increased profitability.
Progardes® Desmanthus is the best tropical legume developed in the last decade, and our objective at Agrimix Pastures is to assist graziers to successfully capture the benefits.
Winner of the 2020 Crawford-in-Queensland International Engagement Award
How the seed was first sown….
1990’s - The Discovery
Old Desmanthus sites surveyed. Chris Gardiner finds naturally selected Desmanthus surviving in very harsh conditions and starts breeding from them
2008 | Progardes® is conceived
James Cook University approaches Founding Director Nick Kempe regarding an interesting project on tropical legumes.
2012 | All in the harvest
Agrimix introduces Progardes® at Beef Week 2012. Whilst not yet having any seed to sell, an impressive seed crop was ready to harvest.
Agrimix employs a Territory Manager for Queensland, Greg Campbell, and starts signing up Progardes® stockists.
2016 | Progardes® gets the tick
Plant Breeder’s rights granted to James Cook University for the five cultivars in the Progardes® blend.
2017 | It’s all in the collaboration
Agrimix is successful in attaining a CRC-P Grant through the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. The 3 year research programs brings together beef producers, research institutions and the state and federal governments to collaborate on a program to deliver new legumes for pasture productivity to the Northern half of Australia.
2018 | Team building success
Agrimix employs Heitor Fleury as their resident Agricultural Consultant.
2019 | Always learning
Plant Breeder’s Rights granted on new Desmanthus lines in the pipeline.
By 2021 we had sown over 100,000 hectares of Progardes® providing great benefit to graziers all over the northern half of Australia. Agrimix, with QUT and others, starts a new method of soil carbon quantification.
Entered a Strategic Alliance with Australian-owned company Selected Seeds, who have taken on the Progardes® brand. This partnership allows Agrimix to focus on maximising and measuring paddock productivity, including sequestration of soil carbon.