New Agrimix Demonstration Site in Casino

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Leading the way in pasture research, Agrimix has established a demonstration site in Casino, NSW, showcasing a variety of grass and legume species.

The aim of the demonstration site is to show producers and agronomists new, old and upcoming, the latest seed technology from the industry.

The demo site will showcase both tropical and temperate species with the aspiration of maintaining perennial species to assess persistence in this environment.

Cattle will graze the demo site, and the idea is to score each species on cattle preference and return from grazing. This will help us understand the persistence and palatability of certain species.

Once the tropical pastures have been established for one season, ryegrass will be over-sown into the plots to assess how the different species cope with this standard practice on the NSW North Coast.

This information can then be used to inform producers in the area of the best species to select for pasture mixes base on real-life performance.

ABOVE:The new Agrimix demonstration site in Casino, NSW

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